The WCBL appointed as The New Northern Conference of the UBA

David Walls Reports:
UBA Division Expansion

The WCBL appointed as the New Northern Conference.

The Universal Basketball Association (UBA) announced that Ohio has been added to the 2020 expansion division. Located in Columbus, Ohio. The division was purchased by Tony Harvard of West Columbus Basketball League (WCBL). 

"We are committed to growing," stated UBA commissioner Michael Davis . This is the year we have committed to growth and taking the country back over. 

This marks the first division opened this summer for the 2020 season. 

"The goal of this merger between the UBA and WCBL is simple", said Harvard. Create opportunity for the deserving individuals that put the work in. From the beginning WCBL has always held the experience and opportunity of their players above all. This goes hand and hand with the UBAs goals and this looks to be a partnership that was destined to take place. 

The New Northern Conference will have 12 active teams which include the Louisville Diesel (KY), Dayton Sharks (OH), Indiana Generals (IN), Indy Majic (IN), Ohio Push, Ohio Wizards, Ohio Overtime T., Ohio Wolves, Ohio Tropics, Ohio Kings, Ohio Chiefs and Ohio Storm. 

WCBL will be the host to the Columbus division of the UBA. This means all WCBL pro league teams will be featured on the UBA professional portal. Meanwhile all WCBL Five league teams will act as the official developmental teams for all participating pro league teams. As our leagues will take place in Columbus there promises to be plenty of events that will allow participating players to travel both nationally and internationally. Making those selected certified professional athletes. These same athlete will compete against some of the best UBA pro talent across the world.

For more information, contact West Columbus Basketball @